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European Clusters Labelling Excellence Structure

EUCLES is a non-profit association in charge of the promotion of cluster management excellence based on a coordinated European approach, as well as the delivery of quality Labels to qualified cluster management organisations.

The EUCLES association has been created in December 2020 with the objective to gradually take over the labelling system currently operated by ESCA (European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis).

Cluster labelling, by EUCLES

EUCLES is the one-stop shop for promoting Cluster Management Excellence through benchmarking and quality labelling of cluster management organisations worldwide. The Brussels-based organisation coordinates a network of around 200 cluster experts from more than 30 countries, who propose benchmarking and labelling services on behalf of EUCLES.

The European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis awards three different Quality Labels to qualified cluster management organisations.

Cluster Management Excellence Bronze

This label is awared to cluster management organisations that want to strive for excellence by improving its management capabilities and performance levels.


Cluster Management Excellence Silver

This label is awared to cluster management organisations that subject themselves to a second Bronze Label benchmarking after 1.5 to 2 years of the first one and that indicate three areas with regard to the quality indicators in which they have improved.


Cluster Management Excelence Gold

This label is awarded to cluster management organisations that demonstrate a high level of professionalism and sophisticated cluster management.

Ready to apply to get a Cluster Management Excellence Label?

The founding member organisations

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