
Clusters of the month
19 May 2022

Congratulations to the newly labelised clusters! April 2022 edition

Eight clusters have successfully passed the evaluation this month and have been labelised. Congratulations! GOLD labels: CEEC - Clúster de l’Energia Eficient de CatalunyaFoodservice Cluster of CataloniaINNOVACC - Catalan Cluster…
11 March 2022

EUCLES at the first Clusters Meet Regions event of the ECCP

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) organises a series of 15 regional workshops over two years, launched in Malaga on the 16-17 February 2022, to promote clusters as facilitators for…
30 September 2021

EUCLES signed a partnership with VDI/VDE-IT

On 30 September 2021, EUCLES signed a partnership with VDI/VDE-IT, the technical operator deploying the cluster audit process to attribute labels.   VDI/VDE-IT, which has been operating ESCA for the past…